“Rock Your Plot” Workbook Chapter 1

Scans of the first chapter from a workbook I downloaded, “Rock Your Plot.” It’s a workbook designed to help flesh out and grade the plot for your novel. It won’t be the first workbook I do, and certainly won’t be the last either. I’ll be uploading scans from the book here, but beware, things are liable to be changed. I’ve edited over my handwriting with typeface because my handwriting isn’t pretty, to put it nicely.

Tiger Cub’s First Steps

Hello and welcome to my online writing journal! Here you’ll be finding:

  • prompts I’ll be writing to and my fills for those prompts
  • 1,000 words a day daily challenge
  • thoughts about creating a plot, characters, and other musings
  • personal things (you can avoid these by avoiding posts with “ricky moans” in the title)

Also, you should probably know that I’m literally a tiger cub in a human suit. Roar.